Sunday, 29 April 2012

Birds of Paradise and the New species in Raja Ampat

Birds of paradise or tourist called with the name Bird of Paradise, is a characteristic bird of Papua. Of the 43 species of these beautiful birds, 35 can be found in Papua. These birds usually live in dense forest or in the lowlands. It has a habit of playing in the morning when the sun began to show light on the eastern. The birds of paradise have a beautiful characteristic owned by the male birds. Generally, brightly colored is a combination of several colors. The beauty of male paradise are used to attract the attention of females paradise. While singing on a limb with movements in different directions. In fact, sometimes hanging upside down on the limb. However, each species of paradise must have its own type of dance.

Cendrawasih Raja
Cendrawasih Raja (Cicinnurus regius) is a family member of Paradisaeidae warbler which the body length is about 16cm. Male birds bright crimson and white with bright blue feet and has feathers like a fan of the green colour on his shoulders. Female bird is brown and striped at bottom.


Cendrawasih Gagak
Cendrawasih Gagak (Lycocorax pyrrhopterus) is Cendarwasih is about 34 cm. Its dark colour, soft, Beak is black, eyes colour is red, and have a voice call is the same as barking dogs. Males and females are alike. Females is quite larger than the male birds.

Cendrawasih Panji
Cendrawasih Panji (Pteridophora alberti) is about 22cm for its length. The males have black hair and dark yellow, there are glossy blue-sky of his two wires, which is 40cm in length to attracts the females. Female bird is gray-brown with dark spots, females are smaller than males.

Cendrawasih Kerah
Cendrawasih Kerah (Lophorina superba) is a member of the family Paradisaeidae babbler. He is the only member of the genus Lophorina. Male bird is black with a green rainbow of his crown. Female birds is brown-reddish and striped brown.

Cendrawasih Paruh-sabit Kurikuru

Cendrawasih Paruh-sabit Kurikuri (Epimachus fastuosus) he has a black beak and a length tail. Adult male birds is one of the largest birds within bird of paradise. Males is 110cm which tail feathers are blue-purple with very long pointed toes. Birds females are smaller than males, and have reddish-brown, at lower body is black with white spots on the back.

Cendrawasih Botak
Cendrawasih Botak (Cicinnurus respublica) is a kind of small-sized babbler bird, with a length about 21cm long, adult male birds have red feathers and black with yellow nape, green mouth bright. Female bird is brown with light blue scalp.

Cendrawasih Mati Kawat
Cendrawasih Mati Kawat (Seleucidis melanoleuca) is a kind of warbler, with a length about 33cm, adult male birds have shiny black fur. Female birds are brown, smaller than males. 

Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil
Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil (Paradisaea minor) is a kind of warbler, with a length about 32cm, this bird is yellow and brown. Adult male birds have feathers around the neck of a shiny green. Females birds are smaller than males and has a dark brown on head.

CendrawasuhKuning Besar
Cendrawasih Kuning Besar (Paradisaea apoda) is a large sized of birds of paradise, about 43 cm long, maroon brown and yellow crowned. Male birds is yellow and had a pair of long tail wires. Female birds is maroon brown.

Cendrawasih Raggina
Cendrawasih Raggiana (Paradisaea raggiana) is a kind of warbler, with a length about 34cm, this bird is yellow and brown, the beak is gray, pink mouth, yellow iris and feet is gray purplish brown.

Cendrawasih Merah
Cendrawasih Merah (Paradisaea rubra) is a kind of warbler, with a length about 33cm, this bird is yellow and brown, its beak is yellow. Adult male birds is 72cm. Females birds are smaller than males, with a dark brown on face. Paracheilinus Nursalim Discovered by Allen and Erdmann in 2008 and named after Sjamsul and Itjih Nursalim.

New Species in Raja Ampat

Hemiscyllium Galei also called as a walking shark because that looks like a small shark with speckle colour like a gecko walk on the ocean floor. This fish was found by Australian researchers, Allen and Unmack in 2008.

Hemiscyllium Henryi a kind of walking shark which is almost the same as Hemiscyllium Galei but colour is different. Walking shark is found by Allen and Erdmann in 2008.

Melanotaenia Synergos, discovered by Allen and Unmarck in 2008 whose name is taken from the name of the Synergos Institute.

Corythoichthys Benedetto a type of sea horse that looks like a very slim crocodile. Allen and Erdmann were found it in 2008 and named after former prime minister of Italy, Benedetto Craxi.

Pterois Andover is alike as red Pterois, found by Allen and Erdmann in 2008 whose name is taken from the name Sindhuchajana Sulistyo.

Pseudanthias harlenae a small fish bright pink coloured named after the Prince of Monaco, Albert II.

Pictichromus Caitlinae a kind of small brightly colored fish which found by Allen, Gill, and Erdmann in 2008 whose name is taken from the name of Samuel Elizabeth Caitlin, Caitlin as a birthday gift from her parents, Kim Samuel Johnson.


Pseudochromus Jace a small fish which found by Allen, Gill, and Erdmann in 2008 whose name is an abbreviation of the name Jonathan, Alex, Charlie, and Emily, which is the fourth son Lisa and Michael Anderson.

Chrysiptera Giti a small fish that looks prickly discovered by Allen and Erdmann in 2008 and named after a company owned Enki Tan and Cherie Nursalim, the company Giti.


Pterocaesio Monikae was Taken from the name of Lady Monica Bacardi.

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